Thigh Lift in Newburgh, NY
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Thigh Lift in Newburgh, NY

Self-conscious about saggy or loose thighs? Opt for a Thigh Lift with Dr. Samuel Beran in Newburgh, NY, and embrace your body with newfound confidence. Achieve toned, firm thighs that complement your overall figure, all without extended downtime.

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Sculpt Your Thighs with Surgery

The thighs can be one of the most challenging areas of the body to tone through diet and exercise. The thigh lift is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and sometimes fat are removed from the thighs to create a smoother, firm thigh appearance. Through thoughtful consultations with his patients in Hudson Valley, NY, Dr. Beran prioritizes understanding each patient’s specific goals and desires for thigh lift surgery.

The thigh lift can be performed on its own though it is often combined with other procedures like liposuction and other body lifts. Liposuction alone may be an option for patients with excess fat and no excess skin.

The thighs can be one of the most challenging areas of the body to tone through diet and exercise.
The thighs can be one of the most challenging areas of the body to tone through diet and exercise.

Dr. Rubinstein and his staff are professional and caring. He designed a treatment plan unique to my areas is need of improvement. He explained the plan, the products, and the realistic expirations completely. He truly cares about his patients. His staff is wonderful and welcoming. His office is warm and inviting, creates a calming environment. I am very pleased with the results and plan in catching with maintenance plan.

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the procedure

Thigh Lift

The thigh lift is performed by board-certified plastic surgery experts at Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialists with general anesthesia. Incision patterns will vary. In many cases, the incision is placed in the groin and extends down and around to the back of the thigh. Smaller incisions may be made for individuals with less extensive sagging. For a medial thigh lift, for instance, the incision is limited to the groin area. If the outer thigh is being treated, it will be a groin incision only if there is minimal laxity, but if not, it will be a hockey stick or J-type incision that extends down the medial thigh since there is more laxity.

Working through the incision, the underlying tissue is reshaped and tightened. Excess skin is then removed, and the incisions are closed.

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Realistic Expectations after a Thigh Lift Surgery

A thigh lift is an aesthetic procedure that typically takes a couple of days to recover from and can greatly enhance a patient’s quality of life. During the entire process, Dr. Beran will take into consideration factors such as the degree of loose skin, body contours, skin quality, and treatment plan to create a custom approach tailored to each individual’s needs. Thigh lift incisions are located in natural creases, so they are mostly hidden. The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis by our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Beran. With proper care and maintenance after the operation, patients can enjoy long-lasting results that improve their overall body contours and make daily activities more enjoyable.

Thigh Lift Recovery Process

The thigh lift recovery process is unique to each individual, but it typically involves avoiding physical activity and strenuous activities for a few weeks. The procedure is an outpatient procedure, so you should be able to return home the same day. You will need to avoid heavy lifting for at least two weeks and take care not to over-exert yourself during normal activities. As your body heals, you may start to notice improved body contours and new confidence in your appearance. It’s important that you follow the doctor’s instructions closely to ensure a successful recovery with long-lasting results.

the consultation

Thigh Lift Consultation with Dr. Beran

The initial consultation between Dr. Beran and his patient is an important part of the thigh lift procedure. During this meeting, Dr. Beran will review the patient’s medical history, discuss their aesthetic goals, and evaluate their body type to determine the best type of thigh lift and surgical technique for their needs. The doctor will consider factors such as the level of loose skin, degree of fatty tissue, and skin elasticity when creating a customized surgical plan for smoother thighs. It’s also important to consider any relevant medical conditions that may impact healing after surgery. During the consultation, Dr. Beran will examine the groin crease, as well as other factors of the thigh contours, to create a tailored approach that meets each patient’s unique needs. This outpatient cosmetic procedure is suitable for ideal candidates who have realistic expectations about what can be achieved with this surgery.

Possible Risks and Complications of Thigh Lift Surgery

Like any surgical procedure, a thigh lift carries some risks. Fortunately, Dr. Beran takes every precaution to minimize the chance of complications and ensure patient safety. Risks can include infection, bleeding under the skin flap, scarring, skin loss or necrosis, asymmetry in the contours of the thigh, and irregular pigmentation. Most of these risks can be minimized or avoided by following your post-operative instructions carefully and keeping all follow-up appointments with Dr. Beran as scheduled.

Extended Deep Plane Facelift Cost

Thigh Lift Cost

The cost of a thigh lift can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure but typically ranges from $5,000 to $8,000. This includes all pre- and post-operative care as well as any follow-up visits. Factors such as anesthesia costs and facility fees will also be included in the total cost. Financing options are available through Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialists for patients who wish to spread out payments over time.

FAQs about Thigh Lift

Can I Combine Procedures with a Thigh Lift?

Yes, you can combine procedures with a thigh lift. Dr. Beran can discuss your goals and make recommendations on the best combination of treatments to help achieve your desired results.

How Long Until I See My Surgery Results?

It typically takes several weeks for swelling and bruising to subside before you can see your full results. Results are typically visible within 6-8 weeks after surgery.

Are Thigh Lift Results Permanent?

Yes, thigh lift results are generally permanent as long as you follow all post-operative instructions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How Long Does a Thigh Lift Surgery Take?

The duration of a thigh lift surgery varies depending on the specific technique used and the extent of the work needed. On average, the procedure takes about 2 to 3 hours. Patients are usually placed under general anesthesia during this time.

How Long Does a Thigh Lift Last?

The effects of a thigh lift are relatively long-lasting, especially when paired with a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a stable weight and regular exercise can help the results last for several years.

What is the Thigh Lift Cost?

The cost of a thigh lift can vary depending on various factors such as the surgeon’s experience, geographic location, and the complexity of the procedure. For a detailed estimate tailored to your specific case consult with Dr. Beran at Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialists.

What to Wear After a Thigh Lift?

Patients are usually advised to wear compression garments after the surgery. These help minimize swelling and provide support to the newly contoured thighs, aiding in the healing process.

What Thigh Lift office is near me?

If you live in the state of New York, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialists offers Thigh Lift among its services. For a full list of services, please visit our Locations page.

Last modified by Dr. Ran Y. Rubinstein.