Restylane Lyft: Your Best Choice for Midface Rejuvenation

Lift and Contour Your Midface for a Youthful Look with Restylane Lyft

Are you noticing sagging cheeks or deep nasolabial folds? Restylane Lyft offers a powerful solution for adding volume and smoothing lines in the midface area. Here’s why it’s a top choice for those seeking a more youthful appearance.

Restylane Lyft is specifically formulated for cheek augmentation and the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies in adults:

  • Versatile Use: Not only does it enhance the cheeks, but it’s also FDA-approved for treating nasolabial folds, making it a versatile option for facial rejuvenation.
  • Hyaluronic Acid-Based: Like other fillers in the Restylane family, Lyft uses hyaluronic acid to effectively increase volume where it’s needed most.
Restylane Lyft is an FDA-approved injectable filler formulated with hyaluronic acid.
Restylane Lyft is an FDA-approved injectable filler formulated with hyaluronic acid.

How Does Restylane Lyft Work?

Restylane Lyft provides a two-fold approach to enhancing your facial aesthetics:

  • Cheek Augmentation: By adding volume to the cheeks, Lyft helps lift the entire midface, reducing sagging and rejuvenating your overall appearance.
  • Nasolabial Folds: It also smooths out these deep lines, commonly known as smile lines, for a smoother, fresher facial contour.

Patient Results

* All patients are unique and individual results may vary.

Dr. Rubinstein and his staff are professional and caring. He designed a treatment plan unique to my areas is need of improvement. He explained the plan, the products, and the realistic expirations completely. He truly cares about his patients. His staff is wonderful and welcoming. His office is warm and inviting, creates a calming environment. I am very pleased with the results and plan in catching with maintenance plan.

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Ideal candidate for Restylane Lyft

Who is an ideal candidate for Restylane Lyft?

Restylane Lyft is excellent for those who:

  • Are experiencing a loss of facial volume or deepening nasolabial folds.
  • Want long-lasting results without undergoing invasive surgery.

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Dr. Rubinstein in Newburgh, NY

the procedures

The Restylane® KYSSE Procedure

Getting Restylane Lyft is a quick and minimally invasive process:

  • Quick and Comfortable: The treatment typically takes less than an hour and includes lidocaine to minimize any discomfort.
  • Minimal Downtime: Most patients return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Recovery and Care Post-Treatment

Recovery from Restylane Lyft is usually minimal:

  • No Significant Downtime: You can resume most activities right away.
  • Simple Aftercare: Avoid extensive sun or heat exposure for the first few days after the treatment to maximize results.

Schedule a Consultation with Us Today!

Whether you’re looking to restore volume to your cheeks or smooth out deep nasolabial folds, Restylane Lyft provides a reliable, safe, and effective treatment option. If you’re ready to turn back the clock on aging and regain a youthful contour, book your consultation with Dr. Rubinstein today. Let us help you achieve the natural-looking results you desire with Restylane Lyft.

FAQ about Restylane Lyft

What is the difference between Restylane Lyft and other hyaluronic acid fillers?

While most dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, there are subtle differences in the formulas based on where they will be used. The hyaluronic acid molecules used in Restylane Lyft are bigger and more robust than those used for more delicate or high-movement areas of the face, or in more all-purpose formulas. Your doctor will be able to explain the differences between your filler options in more detail during your consultation.

Are Restylane Lyft and Perlane the same thing?

Yes, Perlane-L is now known as Restylane Lyft. Patients have enjoyed the benefits of Perlane for years and can continue to receive the same great treatment with FDA-approved Restylane Lyft.

How will I know if I need Restylane Lyft treatments or a different procedure?

You and your doctor will discuss your options in depth before you make a decision. Each person has different needs, and only an expert plastic surgeon will be able to advise you on which option makes the most sense for helping you to meet your goals. Your surgeon may even advise a combination treatment to ensure you get the best results possible.

Are there any risks to Restylane Lyft injections? Any side effects?

Injectable fillers like Restylane are very safe overall. Allergic reactions to lidocaine can occur, so patients need to be honest with their plastic surgeon about their history of allergies. Side effects are generally minimal and temporary, often consisting of swelling, redness, tenderness, and bruising.

Can Restylane Lyft treatments be combined with other procedures?

Absolutely. Many patients choose to undergo both Restylane Lyft treatments and Botox for smoothing out dynamic wrinkles. If your surgeon thinks you could benefit from combining treatments, he or she will recommend this to you while planning your treatment.

How does Restylane Lyft work?

There are two ways Restylane works. First, the hyaluronic acid gel actively plumps up the cheeks and midface folds by adding extra volume. Second, the hyaluronic acid molecules hydrate the face, plumping and firming the skin for a more youthful contour and glow.

Can Restylane Lyft increase collagen production?

Restylane Lyft provides excellent temporary volume to the cheek area, but it cannot increase collagen production in the skin. However, there are other minimally invasive procedures that can, which could potentially be combined with Restylane Lyft treatments for comprehensive, long-lasting results.

Are there any activity restrictions after the treatment?

Patients can typically return to normal activities right after treatment. However, you should ask your surgeon if he or she suggests restricting any activities and for how long after the treatment. Let your body be your guide—if you need some time to rest up after the treatment, then by all means take the time you need.

When will I see the results? How long will they last?

Patients will see results immediately after the treatment. However, swelling can obscure some of the results for a few days after treatment. Once swelling has dissipated, the final results should be visible, and most patients will see results for up to a year or more before touch-up treatments are needed.

What’s the right age for Restylane Lyft?

Patients should be over the age of 21, but individual rates of aging will determine whether or not the treatment is appropriate.

What Restylane Lyft office is near me?

If you live in the state of New York, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialists offers Restylane Lyft among its services. For a full list of services, please visit our Locations page.