The Benefits of SmartLipo Triplex Over Traditional Liposuction
Dr. Rubinstein’ Mid-Hudson Valley, NY, patients have the advantage of undergoing SmartLipo Triplex when considering procedures to enhance their body contour. This newer liposuction technique is safer and less invasive than traditional liposuction, making it a desirable procedure for men and women who want to remove unwanted fat deposits that just won’t leave. SmartLipo can be used to treat stubborn spots on many areas of the body, including the following:
- love handles (flanks)
- abdomen
- hips
- thighs
- upper arms
- back
- breasts
- buttocks
- knees
The less invasive method is also able to be used on the delicate areas of the face, such as the cheeks, chin, and neck. The procedure is performed on an outpatient bases with local anesthesia, reducing the complications that can arise in some patients when general anesthesia is used with traditional liposuction.
SmartLipo Means Tighter Skin
The appearance of certain areas of body can be improved with the use of laser energy. The lasers liquefy the fat before it is removed through a surgical tool, known as a cannula, which will gently suction it out. In addition to liquefying the excess fat, the skin is tightened by the emitted energy, a benefit that is not available through traditional liposuction techniques. The laser stimulates the production of collagen, a protein in the body responsible for the firmness of the skin. This added advantage reduces the need to undergo a lift of the targeted body part, which would require additional incisions in the skin as it is tightened and trimmed. The new collagen will continue to grow after the surgery and the results will be visible after three to six months.
SmartLipo Means an Easier Recovery
Following body or neck liposuction with SmartLipo Triplex, patients typically experience less bruising and swelling. Less trauma has occurred to the tissue as the fat is liquefied, compared to when it is dislodged with the back and forth motion of a cannula as with traditional liposuction. Due to the less invasive nature of the procedure, downtime is shorter and less pain is experienced. Most people are able to return to work or other normal activity after two to four days. In essence, a patient could extend their weekend and be back without having to take much time off. With traditional liposuction, a week or longer may be needed to recover, and patients typically experience a greater level of discomfort. More strenuous activities will need to be avoided for at least a week to ten days. After the recovery only a small scar may be left through which the cannula was inserted.
Is SmartLipo Right for Me?
SmartLipo is just one of the many liposuction techniques currently out there. The success of your surgery will not be dependent on the type of machine that is used, but rather the experience of the doctor performing the procedure. SmartLipo merely offers many benefits that can help to reduce complications and recovery time when placed in the right hands. It is also important to remember that no form of liposuction is a treatment for obesity. Removing large amounts of fat at one time can be hazardous to the patient’s health. Dr. Rubinstein is able to consult with individuals on whether SmartLipo is the best option to meet their goals for their body.
Contact Dr. Rubinstein at 845-863-1772 to schedule a consultation at the Newburgh, NY office, or read more about SmartLipo.